Who I am

A believer, dreamer of the possible but also impossible, a daughter, sister, friend. 17 and planning my future, a happy heart when blessing others.  A lover of words , long, handwritten letters, and warm bread just out of the oven with butter melting from the heat, a collector of pottery mugs and recipes. The feeling when a book character is a best friend and as if you’ve traveled to another place. Rainy days cuddled with a cozy blanket, cup of tea and a favorite read or watching Little Women with my mom. I'm a summer girl in winter and I love the first snow of every winter season, but I especially like the crisp leaves that autumn brings.  I love the smell of  fresh evergreen trees at Christmas, and strawberries, and I especially enjoy long, heart to heart talks with friends over coffee, scones and muffins.  Oh, and I can’t forget the countless hours of dreaming about England. Some day it will no longer be a dream but a reality. <3

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